neutrality is the concept of not discriminating against the various bits of
data that flows through the net. If the net is not neutral, then the telecom
companies can comfortably charge higher rates on browsing some sights or
applications. Through this the telecom companies can charge you more on sights
than others and also use discriminate pricing between different sites. They
have brought this to the fore now because they feel they are losing revenues on
account of cheap SMS and telephony through the net. Their contention is not
true and I give below the incomes and net profit of Airtel as an example.
are in Rs crores.
2012-13------2013-14------ 2014-15(9
Income 77808-------- 8715---------- 69095
After Tax 2267-------- 3019-------------3511
revenues have risen steadily and its net profit has risen much faster. How can
such companies claim to have lost profits on account of the neutral
internet? The fact is they want to make
more money at peoples expense and TRAI is not doing much either. Even if they
do lose revenues it means they have not modified themselves as per the new
requirements of the people and
have therefore failed. To offset their weakness they should not be allowed to
fleece people.
has put out a questionnaire to the people asking them to say as to how the
internet should be regulated and also net neutrality. One gets the uneasy
feeling that the Government wants to regulate the net through TRAI and I trying
to get regulation through the backdoor. TRAI says it is open to taking comments
from the public on the issue up till 24th April. I think we have to
protest against the regulation and for continuance of the neutrality of the
now, it is Government that has the power to regulate the net but has wisely
chosen not do so. But now these telecom companies can regulate the net (at
least in the mobile phones). If they want to restrict a sight all they have to
do is raise the cost of browsing that site on the mobile abnormally. Such power
in the hands of private individuals can be used easily for wrong purposes.
Such a move by TRAI and the Government should be
condemned by all.