Monday, 22 April 2024


 Hitler remembered the pincer movement by which he defeated the French army through the Ardennes forest. Again Hitler sent his army through the Ardennes forest to trap the American army. This is known as the battle of the Bulge. Hitler’s forces trapped the American army in Bastogne. Coming to know of that Patton’s 3rd army attacked the Germans from the back and pushed back the Germans and the American forces in Bastogne were saved. With this defeat the German army lost its morale. Although they were fighting they did not have the fire they had earlier.

The allied powers from the west and the Russians from the East were slowly eating up the German empire of Hitler. They were competing as to who would reach Berlin first. The Russians became raving mad and started slaughtering everyone they encountered. They moved forward with lightning speed. The Soviet army reached Berlin first and was massacring everyone. Hitler could have easily escaped if he wanted but he did not want to be called a coward who ran away. On 18th April 1945 325,000 German troops surrendered to the Americans. On 20th April the Soviet forces bombed Berlin. That day was Hitler’s birthday. On 21st April 1945 the Soviet army came up to the entrance of Berlin.

Hitler sent message to General Felix Steiner to stop the Soviet army. Next day Hitler came to know that Steiner said a counterattack was impossible. As it was Hitler was not well at that time. When he heard that news he fainted. After he got up he said that everything was over. He blamed his Generals responsible for the defeat. He then asked the SS physician Heyes as to what is the easiest mode of suicide. Heyes advised that bullets coated with cyanide is the best option. Earlier in 1941 Hitler stated the Herman Goering the chief of the Luftwaffe as his successor.

Goering came to know that Hitler was about to commit suicide. He then sent a telegram to Hitler requesting for his authorization to take over as Hitler’s successor. Hitler then stripped off all of Goering’s official title and medals and ordered him to be arrested.

On 27th April 1945 the Soviet army surrounded Berlin from 4 sides. On 28th April 1945 Hitler came to know the German army under Himmler sent a message to surrender to the allied forces which they refused.

Hitler was shocked he said you coward you have lost our prestige by such action and ordered him to be arrested. Hitler understood that the Allied powers may come anytime into his bunker.

He then called his girlfriend Eva Braun and asked her to flee so that she could survive. Eva said life or death it is with Hitler. There were tears in Hitler’s eyes and he embraced Eva. Hitler did not want Eva to die as an unknown person. He said the world has to recognize you as my wife. Then he called his Generals and told them tomorrow is our marriage, make arrangements. He named Carl Doenitz and Joseph Goebbels as his successors..

On 29th April Hitler came to know that his friend Mussolini was lynched by a mob on the street. That midnight he married Eva Braun. First Hitler used the cyanide bullets on his favourite dog Blondie. It died in just 5 seconds. On 30th April at midnight 1 AM. Hitler finally met all his generals and their family members and bid them farewell. Then he and his wife Eva went into their room.

At 3.30 AM there was a sound of a bullet being fired from Hitler’s room. The Generals found him lying dead on the sofa; He killed himself by firing the gun on his temple. Eva did not have any injuries on her body. She too used Cyanide and died. Then his generals burnt their bodies and cremated them.  The World’s most dangerous and most powerful dictator ultimately had to pay a price for his actions.

As a military commander, Hitler had amazing tactics but it was inevitable that he would fail. He was fighting the entire world all alone. Mussolini was useless in fighting and Hitler had to support him everywhere. The Japanese were in a far-off area and their actions did not help Hitler in any manner. He had to simultaneously fight the English, the US, and Russia as well. However brilliant he may be who can win such a war?

To see the magnitude of the difficulty Hitler had look at the following populations of the main powers engaged in the war rounded off to the nearest crore.

The British Empire including colonies                       55 crores

Soviet Union                                                             17 crores

United States                                                            15 crores

France including colonies                                         11 crores

TOTAL MAIN ALLIES                                               98 crores       

Germany                                                                   9 crores

Italy                                                                           6 crores

Japan including colonies                                        30 crores

TOTAL MAIN AXIS POWERS                                45 CRORES.

So the population of the main allies was double that of the Axis powers. On top of that Japan was as good as useless to Hitler as it fought its own war in South East Asia and could not help Japan in any manner militarily. On top of that it stupidly pulled the US into the war. As for Italy, it was a big liability and it bungled in whatever it did so Hitler had to support it all the time. Ultimately he had to takeover Italy with the aid of German forces.

That means Germany with its population of 8 crores was fighting Russia, Britain & its colonies, the US and France whose combined population was 98 crores and they were also economically more powerful than him. If there had been any unequal battle in history, then this is the one.

Despite that Hitler gave them a big fright and had it not been for his blunder of attacking Russia, he would have won Europe comfortably and Britain would not have had a chance against him without the Eastern front from Russia. Even in Russia he almost won but for the terrible Russia winter that intervened. It was Russia that did the bulk of the fighting against the Germans in the 2nd World War and not Britain or the US as it appears from their films. It was also Russia that entered Berlin first much before the US or Britain could and after seizing the city raised their flag on the German Parliament.

Hitler was a brilliant commander and about that there is not a shred of doubt. It is unfortunate that his mind has gone astray and persecuted the Jewish race horribly for no fault of theirs. 

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