Thursday, 12 December 2024



To aid Quantum computing Google has now created a Quantum Microchip called the “Willow”. That chip was able to solve a mathematical problem in 5 minutes, a task that would take the most powerful; super computer available right now 10 Septillion years to accomplish; Septillion is 10 raised to the power of 24 or 1000 crore crore crore years. Even the age of the known Universe at 1370 crore years fades into insignificance before this figure. 

Earlier the problem of Quantum computing has been the number of errors. But the errors decrease as the qubits (bits for ordinary computers become qubits for Quantum computers) increase and in this chip they are almost eliminated due to the much faster speed and other protection systems.

The Quantum computers have to be maintained just above absolute zero to eliminate errors.

This chip is truly mind boggling and pushes the frontiers of computing to an unbelievable distance. This actually makes us wonder as to where the human race is progressing. Where is the limit to such inventions?

But then, all said and done Quantum Computing has certain limitations because they operate by Quantum entanglement which is the very thing that gives them the speed. It is found that the Quantum Computers generate only a limited amount of entanglement before they get disturbed by noise. Quantum computers are inherently noisy, and without error correction technologies one qubit in a 1000 qubit Quantum computer fails. In contrast only 1 in 1 billion billion bits fails in a conventional computer. The challenge is to build quantum computers that are less error prone.

There are some other problems to be addressed as well, but that does not mean they could not be overcome and it is only a matter of time before they are fully exploited and an entirely new world would be enabled by them. Perhaps maybe in another 10 years’ time they would be fully exploited.  

Google claims that its Willow QPU (Quantum Processing Unit) is the first in the world that achieved the results “below threshold” after which the QPU is made sufficiently error free to be useful and trustworthy for computing as outlined by a computer scientist in his research paper published in 1995. 

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