Monday 7 October 2024


 Israel has a peculiar policy on Nuclear never declares that it has a Nuclear arsenal.....but it has viewed Nuclear nations in the surrounding areas as a threat because Israel is a small nation and a single nuclear missile would be able to wipe it out.....this fear has driven Israel to undertake both covert and overt actions to stop Nuclear weapons being developed in the region.....

Israel targeted Egypt's rocket program in 1962-63 under Operation  Damocles...

Egypt then invested heavily in missile development and enlisted many German scientists to develop them .....

These rockets are capable of carrying radioactive material......Mossad was used by Israel to neutralize the German scientists so enlisted.....Mossad used parcel bombs to kill some of the scientists and threatened others to abandon the program....

In 1981 with Operation Opera Israel launched a pre-emptive strike on a Nuclear reactor in Iraq....even before the strike Israel sabotaged equipment bound for the reactor in France....also several scientists working for Iraq's nuclear program were mysteriously killed.....

In Operation Orchard in 2007 Israel launched a strike on a Nuclear facility, this time in Syria when it was nearing operational status....that finished off Syria's Nuclear ambitions....

Since the year 2000, Israel was also against Iran's nuclear program but it is spread across multiple facilities and is fortified underground which posed a big challenge to Israel....

In Iran, Israel used cyberwarfare, sabotage and targeted assassinations. In 2010 Israel deployed the Stuxnet virus which infiltrated one of Iran's nuclear facilities damaging centrifuges used for Uranium enrichment and causing the centrifuges to malfunction due to which 1000 units had to be destroyed ...

Over the years several Iranian nuclear scientists have been assassinated which also killed Mohsen Fakhrizadeh in 2020 ..this guy was considered to be the architect of Iran's Nuclear program.....Israel also conducted several attempts at sabotage with several accidents and explosions at Iranian nuclear sites.....

Iran now has enough enriched Uranium for making 10 nuclear bombs and it is on its way to making a detonator for a Nuclear device Israel would consider that a huge threat.....

That makes it highly probable that Israel may give a go at Iran's nuclear sites....but that is easier said than done because the facilities are multiple and are also highly fortified....and Iran would have strong anti-aircraft batteries and arrangements at the sites expecting such an attack, so one cannot really predict the outcome of such attacks...that said Israel would be highly tempted to indulge in them....

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