Wednesday 14 November 2012


Socrates was born in Periclean Athens in 470 BC. His father was a sculptor and his mother was a delivery nurse. He trained to be a sculptor but the trade did not appeal to him. He then learnt Geometry, Astronomy and Philosophy.

One day, Socrates along with his friend visited the Oracle at Delphi. The Oracle asked them as to who they are. Socrates replied, “There is only one thing I know and that is I know nothing”. His friend asked the Oracle as to who is the wisest man in the world. The Oracle said” Know thyself. There is none wiser than Socrates among men”. This made Socrates perplexed. From then onward he made it a mission to find someone else wiser than him so that the Oracle’s words are not correct.

He used to start off early morning and whomever he found on the way he held discussions. He used the method of dialectic developed by Zeno. In this a question is asked, an answer obtained-this answer is rejected by using logic and another question asked. No one could ever defeat him in a discussion.

His first question is “Tau Ti” which means, “What is it?” He always said define your terms first before starting any discussion. He said that defining a thing is knowledge and knowledge is nothing but virtue.

He called himself a Gadfly. He claimed that God made him like that so that he could bite humans and make them think and find knowledge. He also claimed himself to be a delivery nurse, one who delivers right ideas from humans.

Socrates was very ugly. He was short and fat. He had a bald head, big paunch, broad nose, a big mouth, eyes jutting out and a round face. Despite all this, once he opened his mouth people forgot his appearance. Such a wise man is he.

He never bothered about tomorrow and lived only for today. This put his wife and his three children in great difficulties, as he never bothered about them. The moment she saw him his wife used to admonish him and so he avoided going home altogether. He had food when a student invited him for food or else he went hungry.

He is not a drunkard but had liquor when some of his students offered it to him. In drinking too none could beat him. He had one old coat which he wore all the time and he had no sandals on his feet.

He suddenly used to lapse into meditation disregarding where he was. One day early in the morning he stood still at a place in one morning and went into one of his trances. People gathered around him in curiosity. He stood like that till next day morning and after coming out of the state walked off without talking to anyone watching him. There were other instances like this.

There was a tragedian named Agathon in Athens. One day he invited Socrates to a banquet. There a discussion on Love developed. Socrates in his usual fashion rejected all the theories that were presented to him defining love. He finally said Love is the souls yearning for experiencing the great beauty. A lover not only wants to see the beauty but also wants to create it. He also wants it to be permanent in the physical self. That is why man and woman love each other. That is why parents love their children. They not only bear children for perpetration of themselves but they are also their partners in search for their continuous search for beauty, their inheritors and researchers for that purpose.

What is this beauty that we are trying to give permanence through love? It is wisdom, morality, self-respect, bravery, justice, and faith. In one word beauty is truth. It is that which directly takes us into communion with God.

Socrates never wrote down his philosophical theories and that was done by Plato. Plato was a great writer and his prose is mercurial. He used the dialogues to put forth the views. There are four main dialogues of Plato. 1) Symposium- This contains the meaning of love and we described it in the earlier paras.2) Apology-In this Socrates answers the charges leveled against him.3) Crito-In this Crito the student of Socrates advises him to flee the country and the answer given by Socrates.4) Phaedo- In this the death of Socrates is described.

In all the dialogues of Plato, Socrates is the mouthpiece. It is believed by philosophers that Plato has in fact given out his own philosophy in the dialogues from the mouth of Socrates. Socrates is concerned more with ethical questions than metaphysics

Socrates criticized the Olympian Gods and was believed to be an atheist. This was actually not so but he believed that there is only one god and the soul is indestructible.

Socrates was very much against Democracy. He felt that since democracy is dependent on group strength, well thought out decisions could not be taken. After the Peloponnesian wars between Athens and Sparta Athens was defeated and Democracy was replaced by the 30 tyrants. The people rebelled on them again and Democracy was restored. The democratic Government turned against Socrates for his so called Atheism and his repulsion for democracy. They brought the charge of rejecting their gods as well as worshiping other gods on him. They also said that Socrates corrupted the youth and the fit punishment for him was death.

This charge was brought about by Anitus who was the head of the democratic Government that came to power in Athens. His son was a disciple of Socrates and defied his own father. A court of 500 judges tried Socrates and the prosecutor was Miletus. His death sentence was passed with 280 for and 220 against. The sentence was to be carried out with drinking of hemlock, a poisonous drink. As per the laws of Athens at that time for a man who was sentenced to death, there was a provision of seeking another punishment instead. He could have asked for imprisonment, he could have paid the penalty and got released or else he could have left Athens for another country. But he willfully chose death.

The defense put forward by Socrates against the death sentence was told in a beautiful narrative in a dialogue called “Apology” by Plato. In this Socrates said that he is not willing to take an alternate punishment. He said, “ I do not know death is good or bad but paying a fine or seeking imprisonment or seeking banishment form the country are indisputably bad. Why should I opt for them?”

Plato wrote about his death in a dialogue called “Phaedo” which is considered to be a gem in world literature. Socrates was finally executed by drinking of Hemlock.

Monday 5 November 2012


Life has arisen on the earth due to certain climatic conditions that are conducive to its formation and multiplication. Life on earth started as unicellular organisms which became more complex with the passage of millions of ears till the mammals originated in the Tertiary period of the Cenozoic era 75 million years ago followed by man in the Quaternary period of the same era a mere 1 million years ago.
Our galaxy, the Milky Way consists of 10,000 crore stars (10 raised to the power of 11) and the known universe consists of 10,000 crore galaxies. This means the total number of stars in the known universe is 10 raised to the power of 22 which is a mind boggling figure.
Astronomers have determined that 15% of the stars in the universe have solar systems. This translates to a figure of over 10 raised to the power of 21 for stars having solar systems.
Now for life to evolve the planets have to possess certain conditions. They are
1. Moderate temperature---If the planet is too close or too far away from the star, then the conditions of life prevailing on them is nil.
2. Presence of water---The presence of water on the planet is a must for the existence of life as we know.
3. Presence of Oxygen---Presence of Oxygen too is essential for life.
4. Presence of atmosphere---The planet has to be covered by atmosphere so that harmful cosmic rays do not get through and destroy life.
5. Moderate mass---If the planet is too heavy then life may evolve but that would prevent the evolution of higher and complex forms of life.
Let us now assume that point number 1 would be met only by 1 out of each 1000 planets. This would reduce the possible number of planets that support life to 10 raised to the power of 18.
Similarly if we consider each of the other conditions would have a chance of 1 in a 1000, the figure of the planets that can support life gets reduced by another 12 zeroes. 
Even after this severe reduction, still we would be left with a figure of 10 raised to the power of 6 or a million planets that can support life.

If there are a million planets in the Universe that can support life, then some of them would have life forms that would have evolved less than us and some of them would be more evolved than us. If we consider that the evolution of life on earth is in the top 10% of the planets, then there should be at least some 100,000 planets where life has progressed more than us.
Of these 100,000 planets if we consider that only 1 in a 1000 has achieved a civilization that can crack the light barrier, then the figure of such planets get reduced to just 100. 
100 is not a big figure from the Universe, but how is it that not a single civilization has tried to contact us? Even with our limited development we are desperately seeking to contact other civilizations in the universe, so they would have also done the same if they exist.

These assumptions points to the following 3 possibilities:
1. There is no other planet in the Universe that is as advanced as our own.
2. The barrier of light cannot be breached.
3. We are the only civilization in the Universe.

Now, the above deductions have been done taking into account life as we know. There is no reason to believe that there may not be life forms that are totally different from the principles that are known to us.
I am no professional astronomer but just a person interested in Astronomy and the mysteries of the Universe. I faintly remember reading a book in my native language Telugu over 30 years ago which has similarly deduced about intelligent life forms in the universe. I do not exactly recollect what the book has said in its conclusion, but it has proceeded on similar lines.
I have arrived at the above from the knowledge I have and it may look fallacious to a professional who is researching in the field of life in the universe yet I feel very interested on the matter and am posting this.