Monday 28 March 2011


Since time immemorial doomsayers have predicted the end of the world. But every time these predictions have been proved false and they would do so forever.I have gone through an article on Wikipedia on this topic and found it too pedagogic. Many of the so called threats listed in the article are in the realms of science fiction rather than reality.

Yes, there are a few events that may actually lead to the extinction of the human race, but they are very few and would be occurring in too distant a future and need not be considered as a threat at all.

I am separating the likely possibilities for human extinction into two streams; CONJECTURAL and INEVITABLE. These are listed below.

All these threats are imaginary and have no strong foundation whatsoever. These are generalized predictions which may or may not happen. No credence may be given to such baseless hypothesis’s which lack scientific foundation. One can just read and forget about them.

1. Widespread breaking out of disease resistant to medicines. This certainly would not affect the entire humanity.

2. Loss of oxygen due to changes in atmosphere on account of cataclysmic events.

3. Extreme ice age leading to Snowball Earth. An ice age can be a result of a nuclear winter. Ordinary ice ages have occurred in the past and may occur again but they lack the power to wipe out humanity.

4. Evolution of humanity into a different life-form or existence by means of technology, leaving no trace of original humans.

5. Genetic change of humanity to replace its ancestral predecessor.

6. Genetic engineering could lead to a species unable to inter-procreate, accidentally resulting in extinction.

7. Mutation of genes among humanity resulting in a less intelligent species.

8. Evolution of another species that out-competes humans for food, habitat or hunts as prey.

9. Solar flares may suddenly heat the earth, or the light from the sun may be blocked by dust, slowly freezing it.

10. A disruption, chemical, biological, or otherwise, in humans' ability to reproduce properly or at all.

11. Within a million years, the star Eta Carinae, which is 7500 light years from the Sun, may become a hypernova and explode. This would (may???) send dangerous radiation to earth.

12. In 1.4 million years the star Gliese 710 will be only 1.1 light years from Earth and this might disturb the comet belt, possibly resulting in a comet shower.


I am again splitting these into two a) MANMADE and b) NATURAL.


All these events can be controlled by man and hence there is no reason to believe that mankind would cause self extinction.

1. Warfare, whether nuclear or biological, or conventional.

2. Preference for fewer children; if developed world birthrates are extrapolated they would lead to extinction of the human species before 3000 AD.

3. Infertility: Caused by hormonal disruption from the chemical/pharmaceutical industries, or biological changes.


These are threats that are likely to occur and cannot be evaded. However, except for threat number 5 each of them would occur in too distant a future and one need not lose any sleep over them.

1. In about 3 billion years, our Milky Way galaxy is expected to collide with the Andromeda galaxy as Andromeda is approaching our galaxy. The consequences of this event is unlikely to be predicted-Certainly this event would cause great changes but one should remember that it would happen only after 300 crore years and one need not even bother about it.

2. In 5 billion years time Sun' would reach the red giant stage in its evolution, and it will expand and engulf Earth. 500 crore years too long a period even to bother about it.

3. Evolution of humanity into another hominid species. Humans will continue to evolve via traditional natural selection over a period of millions of years, and homo sapiens will gradually transition into one or more new species.

4. Gamma-ray burst in our part of the Milky Way (Bursts have been observed in other galaxies). The lack of fossil record interruptions, and relative distance of the nearest Hypernova (exploding star 7500 light years away) makes this a long term (rather than imminent) threat.

5. Major impact events where objects from space crash into the earth.

Threat number 5 is very real and has occurred in the past. However, it would not be sufficient to wipe out humanity from the face of the earth and there may be localized damage.

Considering all the above factors humans can feel comfortable about the existence of their species and need not worry about a doomsday.

Monday 21 March 2011


In the world people have progressed so much compared to the ancient times , but a belief which reigns supreme today as it did then is Astrology.

 Scientists like Sir Isaac Newton discovered how bodies in space influence each other on account of gravitation. Astrologers claim that similarly they influence human behavior and other incidents as well. However, These claims are not substantiated by scientific research.

Astrology is practiced in both East and the West. The present day western astrologers do not try to predict any specific events and instead give vague generalizations on general trends and developments. This protects them from scientific investigation as no verifiable event is given that could be proved. Hindu astrologers however, predict both events and trends unlike their western counterparts.

In the Islamic world astrology was rejected around 1000-1100 AD owing to the development of the scientific method and the work of various astronomers and scientists. They made a clear cut division between astronomy and astrology which helped to render astrology obsolete for Muslims.

Studies have repeatedly failed to demonstrate statistically significant relationships between astrological predictions and operationally defined outcomes. Tests on astrology-based predictions conclude that their mean accuracy is no greater than what is expected by chance.

Astrologers have not presented consistent explanations for the underlying astrological beliefs. Researchers in their turn have found a causal and purely correlative, relationships between astrological observations and events.

The Hindu system of Astrology is based on the premise that the position of planets is dependant on the past karma of the human beings and gives complete picture of the life of the person concerned. It also believes that the horoscope of the person tells us whether the bad influences can be warded off or reduced. It believes in strengthening the weak planets to augment their full effects and to reduce the extent of miseries.

Indian astrology recognizes 9 planets known as navagraha. They are
1. Sun. 2. Moon 3. Mars 4. Mercury 5. Venus 6. Jupiter
7. Saturn 8. Rahu 9. Ketu

There are no planets called Rahu and Ketu and they are totally imaginary. Astrology also omits the planets Uranus and Neptune.

Despite not providing any proof for its existence, the belief in Astrology is ingrained in our social consciousness and it is consulted for all important events. Very few Hindu marriages take place without consulting and matching the horoscopes of the groom and bride concerned. Surprisingly even the most educated Indians hold this belief and never dare to challenge the tradition that is coming down since generations.

No concept can be rejected for the reason that it has been handed down over generations. At the same time unless we check what we are doing is correct vis a vis the collective awareness of the civilization or else we would push ourselves into a cocoon and atrophy.

From my side I take an oath not to practice this meaningless tradition when my child’s marriage takes place.

Tuesday 15 March 2011


We Indians pride ourselves about our great culture which goes back to thousands of years. Our culture might have been great earlier but what are we doing today?

Culture is nothing but a collection of various habits that have accrued out of interpersonal relationships in a particular society over a period of time.

In a civilized society it is imperative that each citizen respects the rights of the others as well as recognize his obligations to the society. The present day average Indian adheres to neither of these tenets.

Respect for the rights of others is a very important factor that organizes the society into an effective and harmonious group. When an individual respects the rights of others, the others would respect his rights also, making any happening smooth and purposeful.

Our present day society recognizes only one right and that is the right of the self over everything else. When a queue is formed for some purpose (It may be for anything) one finds some smart alecks trying to surreptitiously circumvent the queue out of turn so that their work gets done. That such a deed is improper when so many other people are waiting for their turn does not even enter their brain. All they know is their work had to be got done and they are prepared to violate everything for their benefit. In fact this is the crux, the root cause of all corruption in our society. These very people would say that our society is deteriorating in ethics and something has to be done. They do not realize (or perhaps do not want to) that they are the perpetrators of this decline and conveniently blame the politicians (these come from their ranks only) for all the society’s ills.

Amazingly enough, this tendency of violating the queue is appreciated by many people in the society. Those guys who perform their task by any means are called go getters by the society and are appreciated. That is why brokers (touts) abound in our country and one finds the Neera Radia’s in great demand. Poor Gandhi who believed that means are more important than the ends would be turning in his grave looking at the present day India.

I had never stepped out of India but people who have gone abroad specially the US and Europe (not the erstwhile communist nations but all the democracies) tell me that in those countries each citizen is fully aware of the rights of the self as well as that of the others and the law functions effectively. Therefore, living there for people is much simpler and one need not be a manipulator for achieving success.

I specially remember one instance a gentleman known to me narrated. He visited his son in the US and that was his first visit there. While coming back from the US he took a flight that comes via Frankfurt. When he boarded in the US there were a good number of Europeans on the flight who would drop down in Europe. In the US when the Europeans were there the Indians were very orderly. As is the practice there the front seats were given to the old people and ladies and everything went well. But all the Europeans disembarked in Frankfurt and he found that Indians that were left were scrambling for better seats and they were not at all bothered about either the aged or anybody else. And all those people were educated. When our people behave in this manner can we call our culture great? If that incident has really happened as he narrated nothing can be more shameful.

Corruption is not accepting a bribe alone. When a person employs someone out of turn because he belonged to a particular region, religion or caste he is contributing to corruption and is therefore abetting the decline of the Indian culture. If this yardstick is applied, then how many Indians can claim to be clean? And how can we claim to have a great culture when funds meant for the poor are eaten by middlemen knowing that many people in India lack food and even drinking water and that they do not have a road to reach their village? I think ethical standards in the present day India have declined and there is no use blaming any particular section, it is our culture that is in decline and I do not at all feel proud about our present day culture.

Maybe we had a great culture hundreds of years ago but the present is much more important than History and the present day Indian culture does not appear good to me.

Saturday 12 March 2011


Although the present earthquake and the ensuing tsunami have been devastating, the loss of human life had been at the most a few thousands. Although loss of human life any number is terrible it is comforting to note that at least it is much less compared to the other larger quakes that have occurred.

The present earthquake in Japan measured at 8.9 on the Richter scale. Although this is a massive earthquake the human loss of life had been substantially less as the buildings in Japan are made to withstand earthquakes.

The largest earthquake that has been measured occurred in 1960 in Chile. This measured 9.5 on the Richter scale.

The worst earthquake by human loss occurred in China in 1556 which killed 830,000 people.

The 1976 earthquake which occurred in Tangshan China killed some 255,000 people.

We are well aware of the Indian Ocean earthquake of 2004 which triggered off a tsunami and some 250,000 people were killed.

The energy released by the present earthquake is 336 megatons which is equivalent to that of some 700,000 Nagasaki atom bombs. One feels horrified to know that the US has a hydrogen bomb in its arsenal which has a power of 25 megatons.

Despite all the development in science, man is still puny in comparison to nature and has to bow to its power. Man seems to be using science for destruction as much as construction.


Yesterday on the occasion of the Million March in Hyderabad statues of prominent Telugu persons lining the Tank Bund have been vandalized. This is irrational and senseless. Rather than bear with such hatred it is always better to separate.

The majority of the people of Telangana are behind the TRS and would like separation, therefore, it is always correct to negotiate and separate rather than fight with each other. True, the very basis of the demand for Telengana which was originally highlighted as backwardness is blown to bits by the economic indicators for growth in the region, which is also pointed out by the Sri Krishna committee.

Nevertheless, it is not the reality that matters but the perceived reality by the people of Telengana. This perception leads to biased analysis and can never be corrected. If the demand is not conceded, the problem would persist forever.

There are three knotty issues to be discussed before a separation takes place.
The first and the foremost would be the loss of revenues to the Andhra area. Hyderabad contributes around 40% of the tax revenues of the state. Now a substantial amount of this revenue has been built by investments form the Andhra area. Capital has flown into that area as it happened to be the capital city of the state and not because of any special attraction. All the revenue on these investments would now flow to the Telengana state. This would mean that Andhra has invested heavily in Telengana and would now get nothing in return by way of tax revenues. This would force Andhra people to prune down their plan expenditure curtailing their future development.

The second is the sharing of the river waters, especially those of the Godavari River that is like a lifeline to the Andhra area.

The third is the status of the Government employees from Andhra areas in Hyderabad.

Of course it is being taken for granted that the properties of Andhra people in Hyderabad would not have any problem and would be like investments in any other state of India.

Perhaps the best possible solution would be making Hyderabad the joint capital like in the case of Chandigarh. Unfortunately this is not feasible as Hyderabad lies deep within Telengana unlike Chandigarh which is located on the border of Punjab and Haryana.

Alternately, Hyderabad should be given to Telengana whilst ensuring that there would either be a revenue sharing for some years or the revenue losses should be made up proportionately by the Central Government till such time the Andhra economy develops. This is easy to suggest but why should the Central Government take it on itself to fund the state from the central pool at the expense of other states?

This is a problem that is very difficult to solve amicably because of the issues involved but public emotions in Telengana suggest that there is no further time to solve the issue and a decision has to be taken immediately.

The solution would have been much simpler in 1972 when the “Jai Andhra” agitation took place because Hyderabad city was not as developed then and both the areas wanted to separate. But that agitation was put down by Indira Gandhi with brute force.

Thursday 3 March 2011


In India marriage is a cherished event to remember. It is filled with ritual coming down for maybe as much as 75 generations. However, in the case of a Hindu marriage all the mantras are in Sanskrit which very few understand today. The bride and the groom simply go on doing whatever the purohit says mechanically without understanding a single word. 

Tradition is fine but it is high time that we simplify the ritual of marriage and make the mantras intelligible to the persons who are getting married. It should be made clear to the couple that marriage leads to a happy life and their consent should also be obtained to wed each other. There are many rituals in our marriages which perhaps were relevant in their times but are totally out of tune with the present day life. Despite knowing that no one dares to break the tradition and it endures. What is more important than rituals and mantras is that the couple lives happily together all their life and that is the goal of any marriage.

Marriages are becoming more and more ostentatious day by day. Each parent wants to outdo the other in celebrating the marriages of their children. In Hindi they say “Dhoom Dham se Shaadi karenge” as though that itself is the epitome of marriage. Similar sayings exist in other languages as well.

Some people deliberately show their wealth at the time of marriage and want to impress other people. Some poor people try to celebrate marriages as ostentatiously as rich people do by borrowing money. I think that is pretty ridiculous.

With each marriage more and more people are being invited to attend. What happens when thousands of people are invited for a marriage? With so many people around the groom/brides parents do not even have time to say hello to each of their guests. The guests in their turn are used to it because the same thing is happening in all other marriages. So they just give their attendance at the marriage have lunch/dinner and try to depart after that is done. In this process feeling has totally gone and it has just become a formality that has to be adhered to.

Marriages would be much more meaningful if only people close to the bride/grooms parents are invited and the number is made limited so that a close-knit gathering with empathy would be present rather than a diffuse gathering trying to perform a formality.