Sunday, 11 August 2024



Ballistic missiles are powered initially by a rocket, then follow and unpowered trajectory and arches upwards and then descend to reach the intended target. This means they have no engine power to control the descent and do so by gravity.

There are 4 general classification of ballistic missiles:

1.       Short Range: Less than 1000 Km

2.       Medium Range: Between 1000 to 3000 Km

3.       Intermediate Range: 3000 to 5500 KM

4.       Long Range: Over 5500 KM.

The Ballistic missiles can have 2 or 3 stage rocket thrusters. Boost phase takes it to the point where rockets stop firing and the missile begins the unpowered flight. This lasts 3 to 5 minutes and happens in the atmosphere.

The missile then ascends by the momentum generated on account of the rocket thrust out of the atmosphere and begins to descend back to the earth. This phase may last up to 20 minutes. In this mid-course ICBM’s can travel at about 24000 Km/Hr.

In the terminal phase, the separated warhead re-enters the atmosphere and imp[acts on the earth. This takes about 1 minute.

The main difference between ballistic missiles and cruise missiles is while the ballistic missile depends on the rocket thrusters, a cruise missile is an unmanned vehicle with jet engines. Cruise missiles remain within the atmosphere during their flight and can fly as low as a few meters above the surface to avoid detection.

Cruise missiles are self-guided and have terrain mapping, GPS and inertial guidance systems in them and use motion sensors to steer the missiles in a pre-determined path. They can also be guided from the ground if required.

Hence while the ballistic missiles are functional, the cruise missiles are more dynamic and versatile.

Cruise missiles also include decoys which fly at the same speed as the warhead and therefore it is more difficult to intercept.

Israel’s Iron Dome operational since the year 2011, intercepts rockets and artillery shells fired from about 4 Km to 70 Kms. This was developed to counter Hezbollah’s rockets and has shot down thousands of them so far. The Dome operates both during day and night and also under adverse weather conditions. A typical Iron Dome battery has 3-4 launchers each with 20 missiles each. Each Iron Dome battery is capable of protecting an area of 150 Sq. Km. One intercept costs about 100,000 USD.

There are only 5 nations on the earth that can hit anywhere on the earth with their missiles. They are 1. Russia, 2. USA, 3. China, 4. Britain, 5. France.

Then comes in countries with lesser range, 6. North Korea. It can hit anywhere in the world except in South America.

Then come 7. Israel 8.  India, 9. Saudi Arabia, 10.  Iran,  11. Pakistan, 12. South Korea & 13. Taiwan.




1.       PRALAY: Surface to surface missile –Range 500 Km.

2.       PRITVVI II: Surface to Surface-Range 250-350 Km

3.       PRITHVI III: Surface to Surface-Range 350-600 Km

4.       DHANUSH: Surface to Surface-Anti Ship 350 to 750 Km

5.       AGNI-I: Surface to Surface-Range 1200 Km

6.       AGNI-II: Surface to Surface-Range 3500 Km

7.       AGNI-III: Surface to Surface-Range 5000 Km

8.       AGNI-IV: Surface to Surface-Range 4000 Km

9.       AGNI-V: Surface to Surface-Range 8000 Km

10.   K-15: Short Range Ballistic Missile-Range 750 Km

11.   K-4: Medium Range Ballistic Missile-range 3500 Km

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